Sometimes I just want to go away, far away from all these. 

Why do people have to be social animals?
Why can't I just live alone?
Why can't I forget about all these and get lost?
Why can't I choose not to talk to people?
Why can't I.............?

My head is screaming at me.
My mind is upsetting me.
My tears are unstoppable.
From bottom of my heart, for once, I want to be left alone.

I miss the times when I lived alone in Christchurch when I didn't have to talk to anyone if I didn't want to. 
I miss the times when I lived alone in Christchurch when I didn't have to go out if I didn't want to.
I miss the times when I lived alone in Christchurch when I didn't have to worry about anything else.
I miss............

I want to go somewhere where no one knows me.
I want to leave all these behind and be myself.
Why does the world for adults is so complicated?
Why are there so many intrigues?
Our world is made up by all lies.
When can people stop lying?
When can people understand there are more important things for them to do?

For God's sake, can I have my own time?
For crying out loud, I just want to be left alone.


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